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Various Equipment Used By Medical Laundry Service Companies In Hospitals

Healthcare facilities in the United States face a serious problem with infection control. Hospitals and clinics require strict sanitation standards to prevent cross-infections from contaminated linens. 

Many healthcare facilities hire medical laundry services because of the strict sanitation guidelines. Here are some details about the special laundry equipment that top commercial laundry in Melbourne service providers use.

Washing Machines

Many machines have special features such as automatic timing, reverse, and temperature control. Washing medical linens require that the washing machine meets specific health standards. Laundry equipment used by medical laundry services is of high quality and durability.


These tumble dryers can be electric, gas, or LPG-powered. Hydro extractors reduce the drying time for medical linen by removing large amounts of water from the fabrics. 

Modern tumble dryers are equipped with heat pump technology, which allows them to handle all types of healthcare linen. To clean medical linens, tumble dryers are optimized for efficiency. They dry hospital linens faster and are more economical.

Ironing Equipment

After linens for healthcare are washed, it is important to give them a professional finish. The best ironing equipment for hospitals and clinics is provided by skilled medical laundry companies. 

These ironing equipment include drying ironers, table ironers, and bed ironers. They use ironers that can iron all kinds of fabrics. This ensures excellent results every time. There are different irons for different types, including clothes, table linens, and bed linens. 

Ironers used by laundry companies are simple to use and come with different features, such as touchless temperature and automatic temperature controls.