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College Prep Guide For Middle School Homeschoolers

It's never too soon or too late to begin thinking about college. This is a timeless saying. Parents of homeschooled kids are starting to pay more attention to the college application process and university admissions. The middle school years are the best time for parents to start looking at the college application process and admissions process.

Middle school is when students start to show aptitude, desire, and interest in college. Parents can find it difficult to accept a student who wants to go to college. This is due to the work required to apply to major universities. 

Some parents would rather wait until their children reach college age to start the college application process. However, middle school can be a great place if you want to prepare for selective school test preparation in NSW.


These are just a few tips to help homeschooling parents prepare their students for college.

1. Do some research with your child – Both parents and children should be involved in college applications. You can use the internet to research local and national universities your child may be interested in.  

2. Be prepared for those standardized tests – The SAT is usually taken in a student's senior and junior years. However, the PSAT is an important test that many high school students neglect to take. Pre-SAT, or the PSAT, is one way that potential stars are identified for scholarships.  

3. Pay attention to high school class selection – While most high schools have classes and standards that are linked to university admission requirements, parents should still ensure that their children are taking courses that will increase their chances of being admitted to the university or college of their choice. 

4. Make connections – As a parent, you can be sure to play an important role in your child's college admissions experience. It is a smart idea to make connections with potential university staff.