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Why Work With A Boutique Digital Marketing Agency?

Simply put, a boutique marketing agency is a specialized company that works with a smaller, focused team of industry experts. Typically consolidated to 30 people or less, their team will tailor a marketing campaign to your company's specific needs.  You can also visit to hire the best boutique marketing agency.

While in large agencies, smaller companies or clients can only be assigned to low-level staff and planners, boutique agencies work with you throughout the project process. Therefore, working with a boutique marketing agency offers many benefits to small and medium-sized businesses. Here are a few.


Boutique agents understand that every business is different and therefore do not offer a one-size-fits-all approach. The size and specifications of boutique agents give companies the opportunity to work with many boutique companies. The 2016 Statista survey found that 24% of US-based companies have three separate marketing agencies, followed by 23% with two separate marketing agencies. 

So it seems the old adage never put your eggs in one basket also applies in the world of digital marketing. If you're not satisfied with a certain aspect of your marketing campaign—such as web design—you can quickly connect with a boutique that specializes in web design without impacting your other digital spending.


The bigger the agency, the higher the overhead.  This means large companies will always offer their customers high hourly rates or monthly payments. Due to a large amount of money involved with large agencies, most require their clients to commit to a project for a minimum period of six months or more.

Boutique agents, on the other hand, can accept smaller clients in less time. All of these factors often make projects work more efficiently and reduce costs for companies seeking marketing assistance.