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Types of Cat Accessories

Cat accessories can come in all shapes and sizes. Some people collect cat clothing, while others collect cat toys ornaments. There are a lot of different types of accessories that cats can enjoy, and the amount you spend on them will depend on your cat's personality, lifestyle, and interests. You can also visit to get the best cat accessories.

Here are some of the top types of Cat Accessories you should have in your home:

1. A scratching post: Not only is a scratching post great for keeping your cat entertained, but it also helps them to keep their nails short and healthy. Plus, it's a great place for them to nap during long bouts of play!

2. A toy box: Cats love toys, and a good toy box filled with various types of toys will keep them entertained for hours on end. Be sure to include toys that challenge their intelligence as well as their instinctual desires to scratch and bite!

3. A high-quality litter box: Just like people need a place to relieve themselves, cats need a place to urinate and defecate. If your cat is using an outdoor litter box, be sure to get one that is designed specifically for cats (not dogs). A good quality litter will also help keep your carpet clean!

4. An interactive wand/sensor toy: These types of toys not only entertain your cat but can also be used to help train them in basic manners  such as sit, stay, and come. They can also be used to help with anxiety and fear issues in cats.

5. A cat tree: A cat tree is a great way for your cat to have a place to relax and explore. It can also provide them with a safe place to sleep if they want (or need) to take a break from playing.