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The Importance Of Oral Hygiene For Dental Health

Oral hygiene is a term used to describe the routine care of your mouth and teeth. It includes brushing and flossing your teeth daily, avoiding tobacco and other harmful substances, and getting regular dental checkups.

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Brushing and flossing are the most important aspects of oral hygiene. They help remove food debris, plaque, and bacteria from between your teeth. Plaque is a sticky substance that can form on the surface of your teeth if you don't brush and floss enough. Bacteria can cause gum disease or tooth decay.

The human mouth is home to over 100 billion bacteria. These bugs create plaque, a sticky film that accumulates on teeth and can lead to tooth decay and even gum disease. Fortunately, there are many ways to keep your teeth clean and whiten them naturally. Here are three tips:

1) Brush Your Teeth Twice A Day

Tooth brushing is the most important part of oral hygiene. Make sure to brush all of your teeth, not just the front ones. Use a soft-bristled brush, and use circular, back-and-forth motions for two minutes at least. If you don’t have time for a full two minutes of brushing, try using toothpaste with fluoride or another antimicrobial agent.

2) Use A Mouthwash To Clean Your Teeth And Gums

A good mouthwash will help remove bacteria and plaque from your teeth and gums. Choose one with fluoride or an antimicrobial agent to help fight against tooth decay. Be sure to gargle after rinsing with the mouthwash to remove any remnants that may still be on your teeth or in your gums. 

3) Eat Well And Avoid Smoking

Both smoking and eating hard foods can damage your teeth over time. Smoking can cause toothache and jaw pain while eating hard foods can lead to cavities and other dental problems. Both habits also increase your risk of developing gum disease.