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Root Canal Treatment in Bankstown

Root canal treatment is a common dental procedure that is not often well explained by dentists. There is a considerable school of opinion that many dentists carry out this treatment when it is not absolutely necessary.

What is a root canal?

A root canal is a funnel-shaped channel full of soft tissue that runs from the surface of a tooth down through the tooth itself and into the root. Both root stems have a root canal. The canal is where the main nerve tissue in the tooth is found.

You can pop over this website if you are looking for root canal treatment in Bankstown.

The Colony TX Wisdom Teeth Removal & Third Molars Oral Surgery Highland Oak Dental

Why does it require treatment?

The treatment of root canals is normally carried out when a tooth shows some level of decay or infection. The procedure is designed to prevent further decay or spread of infection that may lead to total loss of the tooth. The soft tissue is completely removed from the canals and replaced with artificial cement.

What happens in root canal treatment?

Because the soft tissue in the canal contains the nerve tissue, the procedure will require the administration of an anesthetic. This is normally a local anesthetic that will numb the tooth and surrounding areas. Once the anesthetic has taken hold, the dentist will drill down through the tooth, removing decaying or infected tissue. Where the canal narrows in the actual root stem, the dentist will use a manual device to extract all the soft tissue.

The space left by the extracted tissue is filled with rubbery cement. To ensure that no air pockets remain in the canal, the dentist will take an x-ray of the treated tooth. If an air pocket is found, the dentist will have to remove the cement and refill the canal. This part of the procedure may have to be repeated several times.

When the dentist is satisfied that there are no air pockets, the hole is sealed permanently and the remaining cavity in the upper part of the tooth is filled.