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Make Grilled Shrimp Kabob With This Recipe

Chili prawns are very easy to prepare. This particular recipe calls for peeled shrimp. In this recipe, you prepare the marinade, then spread it over the shrimp without forgetting to fill in the cracks. You can easily buy them from a chicken kebab restaurant.

Chili Lime Shrimp Kabobs - marinated grilled & glazed!

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For the seasoning, you will need about 3 kg of very large shrimp. If you are making fewer shrimp, adjust the amount. In a bowl, beat 1 cup of extra virgin olive oil with 2 teaspoons of garlic powder, 3 tablespoons of ground parsley, 2 teaspoons of coarse salt, and freshly ground black pepper.

You will need several heaps of flakes that you chop and cut into 2-inch pieces – chop all white, light green, and green. We will only use them to flavor our skewers. You can also use diced large shallots.

Remove the prawns from the bowl one by one and start spinning them. Skewer prawns, onions, giant prawns, onions and so on. Go ahead and be creative. If you want, you can add large cube peppers, mushrooms, zucchini, pineapple, or whatever gets your creativity going.

Place all the prawns on skewers on a large plate one side. Spread the marinade with each shrimp, making sure to fill in the gaps. Let the shrimp soak for 30 minutes. Turn on the grill and heat for about 30 minutes. Reduce the heat and place the prawns on the grill and cook until the shrimp turn pink, turn the skewers over and cook the other side. You'll be ready in about 10 minutes or less.