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An Overview Of The Types Of Carpet Repair Service

There are a number of different types of carpet repair services available, so it's important to know what you're looking for before making a decision. Here are some of the most common: blood, pet urine, feces, nicotine odors, and other substances that would otherwise be difficult to remove with regular cleaning.

You can find out here some of the common carpet repair services:- 

-Steam extraction: This service uses steam to remove embedded dirt and debris from the carpet. It's effective at removing dried blood and other substances that would otherwise be difficult to remove with regular cleaning.

-Perfume extraction: This method uses a special perfume to absorb oils and residues from the carpet fibers. It's good for removing oil and grease stains as well as nicotine odors.

-Hot water extraction: This method uses water to remove embedded dirt and debris from the carpet. It's good for removing oil and grease stains, as well as a variety of cleaning agents.

-Dry extraction: This method uses a dryer with hot air to remove embedded dirt and debris from the carpet. It's effective at removing dried blood and other substances that would otherwise be difficult to remove with regular cleaning.

-Steam explosion: This service uses high-pressure steam to literally explode damaged fibers in order to remove them.

 -Misalignment repair: If you notice that there is a misalignment in any of your carpets, the technician may be able to fix it.

-Striping repair: If you have a lot of stripes on your carpet, the technician may be able to remove them by using an appropriate tool.