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All You Need To Know About Reiki

The practice of Reiki is not a religion. Reiki practice is a healing art, a practice of helping self and others, and with the continued daily practice of Reiki, the practitioner will gain self-awareness, deeper spiritual understanding, and insight as well as balance of body, mind, emotions, and spirit. 

During the First Degree Reiki training, the student receives what is called "an attunement". The attunement to the Reiki energy gives the student the ability to begin channeling the Reiki energy and apply it for the healing of self or others. It is during this first degree the Reiki Master passes on by oral tradition the story of Reiki, the Reiki principles and the tradition of Reiki. You can also visit on this website to get to know more about akashic records.

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The first-degree training includes the basic hand positions for applying Reiki to self and others and the opportunity to practice whole-body Reiki treatments with others in the class. The Reiki Master providing the training should observe and provide feedback and additional instruction to students during the practice.

The Second Degree Reiki training requires an attunement also. This attunement increases the Reiki power the student can channel. The student is also given the sacred Reiki power symbols and is required to learn to draw them as well as for instructions on how to use them. 

It is during the second degree training the student also learns how to do "distant, or distance healing" and mental-emotional healing. The student learns that distance, time and space do not exist in spiritual realms and Reiki is easily sent across time and space to the intended recipient.

The Third Degree, or Masters' attunement, again, broadens and deepens the level of healing energy the student can channel as well as significantly enhances the students' personal growth and development.