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A Guide To Using Bath Salt

The rich, healing properties found in Dead Sea salts soothe irritated skin and joints conditions including Rheumatoid arthritis and psoriasis. Breathe Dead Sea Salt provides immediate relief from dryness and irritation and can be used as a refreshing scrub, a tonic to aid digestion, or as part of a healthy lifestyle supplement.

Breathe Dead Sea Salt has been the subject of much controversy over the years due to its purported harmful effects. Many companies have been selling breath mints containing these salts for decades as a "miracle cure" and claim they are the only products that will provide long term relief. However, studies have shown that this product is not effective in alleviating pain or treating common ailments and is actually more likely to contribute to the formation of dry skin and eczema.

A clinical study performed at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem has proven that the benefits of Dead Sea Salt far outweigh those of its commercial counterparts. The results showed that the active ingredients found in the salt are beneficial to the human body and the natural properties of the sea salts are very similar to those found in many of the skin and joint cleansers on the market today. These properties stimulate the production of natural oils in the skin which promotes healthy cell growth, improves skin tone, and moisturize dry, itchy skin.

Bath salts contain high concentrations of magnesium chloride and sodium chloride. These two substances are very beneficial to the body by balancing blood pressure levels, eliminating excess moisture in the body, increasing metabolism, and promoting a healthy liver. It is also important to remember that any type of salt therapy should always be done in the most hygienic environment possible. After all, the goal is to get rid of toxins rather than leave them in the body.

The Dead Sea is known for its health benefits but you need to be very careful about what you ingest when using the bath salts. The concentration level of these chemicals makes it very caustic and can be fatal if the wrong products are used.

Be sure to dilute the Dead Sea Salt prior to application as the excessive application can cause the skin to burn and dry up. The sea salt will begin to liqueflower the skin in less than thirty minutes if not diluted and should never be applied directly onto the face.

Breathing the Sea Salt will help the body achieve its balance naturally by rejuvenating your skin and encouraging the body to produce more collagen and elastin for firmer, smoother skin. The salts also assist the immune system by assisting in the elimination of toxins in the body.

The most effective treatment for dry, itchy skin, and eczema is by applying the Dead Sea salts after washing. Be sure to read the label and do not use more than the recommended dosage per day. If you have an allergy to any of the active ingredients, use it with caution.

Another good way to get the best out of your bath salt is to take it internally. It should be taken three to six times a day either by soaking in the saltwater yourself or purchasing the salt capsules from a local vitamin supplement store.

The Dead Sea is known for its antibacterial and antifungal properties and this will benefit you in a multitude of ways. Many people who are suffering from rashes, infections, burns, sunburns, and sunspots have had success with using bath salt internally to treat those conditions. There are no known side effects to this type of treatment but be sure to follow the directions carefully.

Bath salt is a natural source of calcium and other minerals including potassium and phosphorus, which may benefit you in many ways. including a stronger immune system, better skin, better eyesight, better teeth, fewer colds and flu, better skin tone, better hair, and nails, better vision, and increased energy.

In summary, bath salt is a great way to revitalize your skin, make you look and feel younger, and help your body to fight disease. It is easy to find your ideal salt dosage based on your personal needs.