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Why You Should Recycle Wood Pallets

Wooden pallets that cannot be repaired and reused must be recycled or thrown away. This is why recycling wooden pallets are such an attractive option. Once a pallet becomes unusable or is too damaged to continue, there are several recycling options.

For example, a pallet consists of several blades and other components. Sometimes these components can be removed from damaged pallets and used to repair live pallets, or they can be used to make pallets from scratch from the remaining parts. You can also get the best wooden pallets online through

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Components too damaged to be used can be grounded and used as landscaping materials or as pellets for wood stoves. There are many good uses for wood, including damaged foreign matter.

Nearly half a billion pallets are produced or repaired each year, and less than 5% of this is dumped or shipped to landfills. This differs from plastic or metal pallets, which are much more difficult to recycle or turn into other items.

This is one of the reasons why wooden pallets are so environmentally friendly. They make only minor repairs and if irreparably, have a second life as something else.

There are nearly two billion wooden pallets floating in the United States today, carrying a wide variety of products. The average pallet length is four years, but it can be used hundreds of times.

However, one of the problems is to reuse and recycle it. If you look at most loading docks for a business, you’ll probably see a few unused and unwanted pallets lying around.

It’s an environmentally friendly way to make money and do lots of good things at the same time. And all it takes is a vehicle, a hammer and a pair of nails, and a good pair of work gloves. Recycle today.