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Why Facebook Marketing Is Important Now A Day?

One of the fastest-growing, most sought after Social Media Platforms is Facebook. Although it began with the intention of connecting with friends and family over the internet, it is so much more now.

Businesses have taken to Facebook to create awareness for their brands, connect with their potential customers and interact and increase engagement with them. If not the best, it's one of the most effective ways to promote market brands and businesses.

Even small businesses have begun to see the potential and impact that Facebook can have on their brands. So, why exactly should you jump on the Facebook Marketing wagon?

We've listed out some reasons that should toss away those doubts you have.

1) Affordability

This factor is first on the list because its important. Not all brands have the ability to spend a lot of their resources on advertising, for some companies, this budget is really really tight.

2) Exposure to the masses

The number of active Facebook users in India in 2017 alone was over 194 million. That is a lot of people. And among this huge number of people, you are bound to find your potential customers.

3) Building bonds

With a social media presence, building loyalty and relationships with your audience become easier. It's different than advertising on other channels mainly because on Social Media, it's all up to the customer.