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When Should One Contact A Personal Injury Law Firm?

According to the law, personal injury is a type of tort that can be filed whenever harm is caused as the result of negligence or the failure to use reasonable care. A plaintiff can sue for monetary compensation whenever physical or emotional damage results in financial loss. For example, if a motorist is involved in a car accident that was not his fault and is hurt, he may sue for medical expenses, as well as for pain and suffering and loss of wages.

Once again, personal injury cases are civil, not criminal matters. As such, the plaintiff does not have to prove that the respondent broke the law, but merely that he is liable because he failed to exercise reasonable care. 

This can be difficult to prove, especially in cases where the respondent was not directly negligent. It is for this reason that you should always contact a personal injury law firm to find out about your legal options.

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What Happens Next?

Most personal injury suits never make it to court. The reason for this is simple — most plaintiffs only ask for what they are entitled to. But without the advice and guidance of an experienced attorney, they may not be able to convince the defendant to settle. Lengthy and expensive court battles often ensue.

A reputable personal injury law firm represents clients that were hurt in accidents that were not their fault. Their objective is to recover a fair and just settlement that compensates the respondent for any losses he may have incurred as a result of the accident. It is for these and other reasons that accident victims should always consult a personal injury law firm before they fill a suit in civil court.