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What Is Business Intelligence?

Business intelligence or BI is a set of processes and technologies that can give you meaningful information by converting raw data that you have collected from various sources. Today, this technology has found its application in many sectors including healthcare and information technology.

Many business intelligence operations nowadays also do report automation that saves much time that goes into the manual entry of data. Moreover, this also eliminates the chances of errors that happen due to human fatigue. 

Remember, a business irrespective of its size demands a variety of reports on a weekly, monthly, quarterly, or yearly basis. There are also some BI powered tools that take care of report scheduling and can be easily integrated with popular databases for easy import of data for quick report generation. 

In a small business that is in most cases run by a single person or has only five to ten employees, automation of business reports prove handy in the long run. When you use business intelligence, you get not only a detailed analysis of your collected data but also rare business insights. 

All these insights vastly help in accelerating the pace of decision making. By embracing BI, you can make quick and accurate decisions like never before.