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What can cause pain on the top of the arch of the foot?

Top of foot pain is a general term that is used to describe any pain in the top surface of the foot and it is not a specific diagnosis.Typically top of foot pain can be a sharp pain which can be found on the top area of the foot near the second toe. Occasionally the pain could be found around the 3rd and 4th metatarsal. There are 2 ways that you can get top of foot pain. Top of foot pain may be the consequence of a stress fracture or tendonitis of a metatarsal tendon. Any time a high load exercise such as running is done with injuries like plantar fasciitis, shin pain and other overuse injuries, this combination can result in top of the foot discomfort. Periodically top of the foot pain is very bad that standing for brief occasions might be very painful. The reason for this severe agony is a problem called over pronation. It is possible to handle the pain by wearing foot orthotics. There are additional factors that might bring about top of foot pain. Ganglions which are sacs of jelly-like material develop just after a rupture in a joint capsules. The ganglions form on the top of the foot and are also causes of top of foot pain.

The other causes are Morton’s Neuroma that is a problem frequently seen by Podiatrists. This is an irritation of a nerve which is between your 3rd and 4th metatarsal heads. In this case the bones get cramped together and pinch the nerve that is between them. The pain from this can occasionally bring about top of foot pain. Furthermore hammer toes may cause top of foot pain. In this problem one of the toes is bent upwards. This bent appearance causes the toes to seem misshapen. Due to the toe being bent sideways it is difficult to use footwear and frequently it’s painful to walk. For this reason hammer toes can give rise to top of foot pain.

There are many other foot injuries which could produce top of foot pain. The best way to help control this problem is to wear foot orthotics that provide some support and comfort to your feet. The insoles deal with the reason for the foot pain which in turn causes top of foot pain. The foot orthotics prevent the pain from happening again. The other way that you can help ease the impact of top of foot pain is by using foot wraps. These have been created to provide comfort to the top of foot pain. This foot wrap will allow you to maneuver around without experiencing lots of pain. By wearing a foot wrap you're not limited to one place, and your pain is less. In the event that you are not getting anywhere with this issue, then it might pay to see a podiatrist.