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Things To Do At The Grand Canyon

The Grand Canyon in Arizona, United States, is considered to be one of the greatest on Earth. It's nearly 446 km long, and in certain areas, it's about 6,000 feet deep.

The Colorado River also runs through the region. Today, it is one of the top destinations in the US offering several activities to keep people busy and entertained. There are many things to do at the grand canyon these are:

rafting through the grand canyon

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Hiking: There are some hiking trails in the Grand Canyon. Many of these trails are real, while others are created by hikers. The Canyon is split into north, south, east and west rims, and every rim includes its pair of paths that lead to the colorado river.

Furthermore, there are several hotels and campsites scattered around the Grand Canyon. Some of the things that you could see while hiking include the Grand Canyon Village, Tusayan ruins, the national park, and the Grand Canyon Skywalk.

Rafting: Your visit would be incomplete without witnessing the raw energy and beauty of the Colorado River. One of the best places for rafting is Deer Creek Falls.

It is also possible to visit Havasu Canyon, which is situated in a valley and has five waterfalls cascading down cliffs. There are various waterfalls where it's possible to go kayaking or rafting.

Tours: There are guided tours that allow you to observe the beauty of the canyon and mountain. These excursions are being run by land, rail or air.