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Tag: indian vedic science

  • What is Indian Vedic Science?

    Indian Vedic Science has had a significant impact on the development of the modern world. For example, the decimal system was first used in India, and it was later adopted by European countries. Indian mathematicians also developed algorithms that are now used in computers. In addition, Indian doctors have made important contributions to the field…

  • All About Indian Vedic Science

    India is widely known as the cradle of a few of the most ancient civilizations of the world, whose doctrine, equitable social clinics, remarkable economic prosperity, and technological developments had caught the attention of worldwide experts, leaders, and rulers for centuries, from the early times to the medieval phase.  For millennia, India has already established…

  • How Important Is Sanskrit When Learning Yoga?

    Yoga has been around for centuries; established its roots in ancient India. As time and progress have brought yoga to other parts of the world, it has evolved into many different things. It has become a way for people to maintain a proper level of physical fitness, a way to release stress and anxiety because…