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Leadership Development Webinars And Events

Current topics related to the training and development of professional and organizational leaders are covered in the webinars. In these additional 60-minute sessions, the hosts offer strategy and practical advice, as well as interactive networking opportunities with expert coaches and advisors.

This webinar examines legal and practical considerations for supporting an aging workforce. They explain trends in talent management. There are many companies like LDP Connect which provide leadership development webinars.

leadership development webinars

Image Source: Google

In this session you will:

-Review population data, trends, and expert predictions, including the impact of the pandemic and return to employment policies

-Suggest ways to create a proactive communication plan to involve long-term employees in the planning process for the planned transition.

-Share tools that enable better knowledge transfer, increase employee engagement throughout the last day of work, and open continuity plans.

-Explore ways to support long-term employees in their post-career transitions that build goodwill and promote positive company culture.

-Suggest important legal considerations, including an understanding of voluntary pensions, constructive release rights, and best practices for initiating and facilitating these conversations.

As a leader, you know that great teams are facing new complexities and coaching teams need certain coaching skills when dealing with a variety of personalities, programs, and values.

Team coaching helps find common ground on which all involved can act, and turns this central and general level into an operational base.