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How to Prepare a Home for Sale in Burnaby

Preparing a home for sale is absolutely the key to getting it sold fast and for top dollar. Sellers who take the time to prepare their home will sell much faster than those who just decide that a sign in the yard is best. Where do you start when trying to prepare a home for sale?

A good cleaning and painting are the best tasks that will bring you the best results in return. Never put your home up for sale before it is ready to show. For better results, you can hire real estate agents online via

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Let's review the list of items to the address:

Cleaning: Make the bed, keeping the kitchen clean, hide all the toys, make sure the house is clean, and make sure all cabinets’ neat (not filled)

Painting: A freshly painted interior and exterior is always a big plus. The interior is very important to have neutral colors low key.

De-Clutter: Always keep in a clean kitchen counter, removing any additional furniture, remove extra clothing, remove the extra frames on the wall, and remove the extra trinkets from the shelves, because your goal is to make your home look much bigger.

Lighting: Lighting is very important. You want to make sure all the lights work and that when showing your house all lit up. Your lighting will also make your home look much larger to the buyer when it is on.

Outdoors: Do not and I repeat do not forget the outside of your home because this is finally the first impression right from the perspective of the buyer.