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How To Market Your Music Online

These days, there are so many various ways for music marketing online that it’s difficult to even know from where to start. What’s worth your time, energy, and money? What isn’t it? How many social media sites do you need to be active on? Do email lists still need? This complete guide will outline your options and help you determine the best approach to each aspect of your music marketing.

Online music marketing

Online music marketing revolves around engaging with your fans. Your three main goals for fan interaction should be: 1) to keep them aware of you, 2) to harden the relationship, and 3) to create super fans who will support you throughout your career. You can also browse to for online music marketing courses.

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Why are super fans so important? Well, they’re the fans you can count on to come to all of your shows (and bring their friends), buy just about everything you offer and promote you through word of mouth.

Before we dive into how to market your music online, let’s quickly recap the three pillars of fan engagement:

Consistency: In order to truly rise above the noise of the internet, you have to be consistent in your music marketing, in terms of both quantity and quality.

Authenticity: Communication with your fans must come from you, the artist, in your voice. You want them to feel like they’re along for the ride on your music career journey.

Sustainability: There’s no shortcut or quick fix for building up a solid fan base – you simply have to show up and do the work every day to sustain fan engagement.