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How To Derive The Best ROI From Test Automation Tools

It is clear that test automation is a must for any organization. Test automation is required because of the increasing demand for software development that takes a shorter time to market.

Now, the question is: Which tool best suits your business's needs? Which product, platform, or framework is compatible with the application under testing (AUT) and can seamlessly integrate into the software development lifecycle and delivery at the company? What technology is the most efficient in terms of human resource management (both recruitment and training) while still delivering optimal results?

This debate is dominated by Selenium, which is rightly so for the following reasons:

1. Multi-browser support and multi-OS support

Selenium is the best web browser test automation tool. It works with all major web browsers, including Chrome, Firefox, and Internet Explorer. Cross-browser testing is possible with no other tool.

Selenium can also be used with multiple operating systems. Unix, Windows, and Linux are all compatible with Selenium. This allows you to easily deploy and run automated testing across multiple systems and environments.

2. Open source

Selenium is backed by a large number of contributors. This gives it strength. Open-source software is often fertile ground for innovation. 

It has been improved, reviewed, and checked by other peers. Selenium is preferred to QTP and other test automation tools due to its price. Selenium is more affordable than most commercial tools for test automation. 

3. Language Agnostic

Selenium automation tools are easy to build and use. Selenium can be used in C#, Java, and Ruby, as well as Ruby, Groovy Perl, JavaScript, VB Script, and a variety of other languages.