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House Items that can be Used for Drain Clogging

bathroom renovations Coffs Harbour

In our homes, we see drain clogs once a while. This is a normal problem that is dealt with by calling a professional plumber. At the same time, ignoring this problem is a serious problem because the consequences are harsh. When it comes to calling a professional plumber, it depends on their availability where at times they won’t be able to address your issue. During such an event you can still get this problem sorted by the use of items found in our home. Let’s focus on what those items are.

  1. Hot Water – We can easily boil hot water on gas or either on electricity. The hot water is a great way to get rid of stains since using soap water does not have any effect. But when it comes to using hot water make sure you aren’t pouring on the surface comprising of plastic as it can easily get damaged.
  2. Soda – In your kitchen, chances of finding baking soda is bound to be on the higher side. And if cannot find baking soda it is easily available in local grocery stores. This item (one cup of baking soda) should be mixed with one cup of water in order to make a paste or solution. Then simply apply wherever needed in order to get rid of drain problems.
  3. Vacuum – If you cannot get hold of hot water and baking soda, then you can use an electric-based vacuum. This item is great when it comes to removing oil and fat stains.

You should consider Coffs Harbour bathroom renovations from a professional.