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Custom T-Shirts – What Are Your Options?

As with everything else around you as you go through your constant life, innovation has changed the way custom shirts can be delivered. Previously, a man had only one decision when designing custom shirts and that was to have them screen printed. What has changed is that the innovation of computerized printing that was previously limited exclusively to printing paper has now been adjusted to also print on fabric.

So now, instead of the time and cost it takes to prepare and set up the silkscreen, an image is essentially stacked in a printer's memory and a button pushed to finish the task of printing a shirt. If you are looking for a custom t-shirt with a picture visit

Advantages of digital printing

All in all, is it all that simple, and is there a downside to digital custom t-shirt printing? While computerized t-shirt printing offers some advantages, it also has some inalienable impediments. 

For example, because there is no setup work and no cost, for the most part, there will be no base charge when applications are filled. Some printing organizations will even make just one shirt for you in case you need it.

Advanced Versus Screen Printing

But when you buy large quantities of custom t-shirts, the math changes. What this implies is that it will be less expensive to have large applications screen printed rather than digitally printed. At that point, there are also a couple of different things to consider.