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Artificial Turf – Can it Substitute Grass?

Artificial turf has been used for years on sports fields, including football, rugby, golf, and field hockey. Plastic turf is ideal for those areas in your yard where you can't grow grass. These areas include walkways, terraces, and areas around your pool. 

They are often made of concrete or gravel. Artificial grass in Sydney is more attractive than concrete and gravel, and it's lighter. It can be washed and switched just like concrete. However, artificial turf looks more natural than concrete.

Artificial turf can be divided into three main groups based on materials: polypropylene (or polyamide), and polyethylene (or polyethylene). For lawns and sports fields, polypropylene is used. For lawns and gardens, polyamide is used. This synthetic turf must be irrigated regularly with water. The most popular type of polyethylene material is used in sports fields and gardens. It is strong and long-lasting.

Artificial turf offers many advantages over grass lawns. It can be used in sports fields for endless hours. Artificial turf is weather-resistant and can be used all year. Natural lawns can only be used for 200 hours per year. They also cannot be used in low temperatures or after a snowfall. Artificial turf is cheaper and easier to maintain than natural grass. 

Artificial turf does not require mowing, fertilizers, or frequent replacement. Synthetic turf is also more durable than natural grass. Artificial lawns can last between 5 and 10 years depending on their structure and composition.

Modern artificial turf can be purchased in rolls measuring 1-2 meters wide. Its cost is comparable to regular carpets. While some synthetic turf looks very natural, others have an appearance that is quite different from genuine grass. You might want to get a few samples to compare before buying.