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How Does Remote Deposit Capture Work?

Remote deposit capture helps make a business owner’s receivables process more efficient by utilizing an inexpensive check scanning device to make electronic deposits of money orders. This process eliminates the need to make frequent trips to the bank to make daily deposits. While at the same time saving the bank time and effort involved to process and credit deposits.

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Checks are usually scanned in batches, and before scanning a new batch the operator will enter a control total amount for the batch. The control total helps ensure that all of the items were scanned, and that no data entry errors occurred along the way.

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As each check is scanned, the check data is read by the scanner and information from the scanned document, such as the amount of the check and the name associated with the check, is digitized by the scanner. The MICR line from the check or money order, which identifies the financial institution associated with the scanned check, is also captured.

After the checks have been scanned, the user is shown a screen that displays the control totals that the operator entered initially in comparison to the total number of items scanned and deposited. If these amounts are not in balance, the operator must correct any mistake that occurred to cause the items to not be in balance before the deposit can be submitted.

After the balance process is complete, the operator can electronically transmit the batch to their bank for processing. Should the need arise to review checks that were deposited in the past, the scanner software keeps a digital image of the check that can easily be accessed and reviewed to resolve any questions or disputes that arise.